Tuesday, November 15, 2011

finished dresser

After the two coats of primer dried I painted the dresser brown, then after it dried I mod podged scrapbook paper I bought at Wal-Mart  to the drawer and door fronts.  I taped off a thin border around the paper and painted it green.  I then coated the top and front of the dresser in 3 coats of polyeurothene.  I used some old handles that were not being used, spray painted them green and attached them to the doors and drawers.  

dresser before refurbishing

My dresser from my childhood, my 18 month old is using it and I want to refinish it for her in a fun, unique way. 

dresser primed

I used white water based  primer on the dresser, I could have bought the brown paint with the primer already in it, but I had white primer so I chose to use what I had.